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How Does the Google Search Engine Work?

May 04, 2021

How Does the Google Search Engine Work?

If you have a business you are trying to run, you need to make sure your customers know about the products and services you provide. You may provide the best products and services in the world; however, if your customers do not know you exist, you are going to have a hard time selling anything at all. That is why you need to rely on search engines, such as Google, to help you. What do you do when you are looking for a product or service? Chances are, you go to a search engine, enter a query, and take a look at the results. How does Google work? How can you make sure you show up on Google’s search engine? There are several important points you should keep in mind. 

How Do Search Engine Work?

Before we answer the question, “how do search engines work,” it is important to define what a search engine is. A search engine is a tool that is designed to crawl the internet as quickly as possible. After entering a query, a search engine will take a look at all the results on the internet, displaying them by order of relevance. That is why you often see hundreds of thousands of results displayed for a single search engine query. On the other hand, you rarely click past the first page. Therefore, it is important to think about the goal of Google search engines.

What Is the Goal of the Google Search Engine? 

If you run a business, your goal is to meet the needs of your customers as best you can. That way, you convince your customers to come back and use your services again. Google search engines work the same way.

If you are wondering, “how does Google work,” remember that the goal of Google is to meet the needs of its customers. Otherwise, its users are simply going to go elsewhere. Therefore, the goal of Google is to display results in order of relevance. Ideally, you are happy with the results you see on your search engine results page every time. 

So, how can you improve your search engine results rankings? There are several key points to keep in mind. 

How Do Internet Search Engines Rank Results?

You have been conditioned to click on the first few results. Therefore, if you want your customers to find you, that is where your website has to show up. How can you improve your ranking? It is important to understand how search engines rank results. These include:

  • Search engines take a look at websites that already have a lot of traffic. If websites have a lot of traffic, they must be sharing good content. Those websites will rank higher.
  • Search engines crawl for the backlinks to your website. The more you have and the higher quality they are the more favorable your site will look in the eyes of the search engines.
  • Search engines look for websites that post content regularly. Websites that update their content regularly are still active, making them more relevant. 
  • Search engines look for images and videos. People prefer images and videos to text. These websites ranked higher. 
  • Of course, search engines also look for keywords as well. These keywords, particularly in headings and titles, let search engines know what the website is about.

These are just a few of the many ways search engines rank results. 

Show Up on a Search Engine Via PPC

If you want to increase your visibility on search engines, one option is to run a pay-per-click campaign. Often shortened to PPC, you will pay for advertising space on pages that are relevant to the products and services you provide. Even though your advertisements are going to be marked as “sponsored,” you will still get a fair number of clicks because you will be listed at the top of the page. You only pay for the advertisement when someone clicks on it. Therefore, you have to do your best to convert visitors enter customers after they click on your advertising. That is why your landing page is critical. 

Show Up on Search Engines Via SEO Campaigns

You can also improve your search engine results ranking via search engine optimization. Even though this is less expensive than PPC, it also takes longer. A few ways you can improve your SEO campaign include:

  • Conduct keyword research regularly and target the right keywords 
  • Take a look at your competitors, particularly those who rank ahead of you, and emulate them 
  • Post high-quality content on a regular basis 
  • Make sure you have the right keyword density on your pages 
  • Ensure your website always loads quickly 
  • Tag your images and videos appropriately 
  • Include keywords in your URL slug
  • Monitor the quality of your backlinks 
  • Improve your website navigation with menus and internal links 

If you execute a strong SEO campaign, you can improve your search engine results rankings and boost your online visibility. 

Increase Your Online Visibility Using Search Engines

Ultimately, if you want to show up on Google search engines, you need to do everything you can to improve your web search engine ranking. That is where a search engine optimization campaign can help you. Once you understand how a search engine ranking will work, you can go to work improving the result of your website, tailoring your site to meet the needs of internet spiders and crawlers. Of course, you may not have time to think about your search engine optimization campaign rank regularly. Therefore, it might be better to rely on the help of trained professionals who have experience in this area. Even though it can be difficult to climb the search engine rankings and improve your position, you do not have to go through this alone. There are always professionals who are willing to lend a helping hand.

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