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Guest Blog Outreach the Easy Way

Jan 07, 2019

Written by Casey Bjorkdahl

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Casey Bjorkdahl is one of the pioneering thought leaders in the SEO community. In 2010, Casey co-founded Vazoola after working for a Digital Marketing Agency for five years in New York City. Vazoola is now one of the fastest growing and most widely recognized SEO marketing firms in the country.

Guest Blog Outreach the Easy Way

Guest Blog Outreach the Easy Way 

Beyond optimizing your business website, there are other ways you can increase traffic, build links to your sites, and get better rankings in Google searches.

If you’re interested in gaining more exposure, then guest blogging should be something you consider.

Guest blogging platforms are the perfect place to find bloggers in your niche so that you can connect with them.

If you’re new to guest blogging or just new to outreach, it’s okay; it doesn’t have to be difficult. In fact, this is how you can go about it the easy way. 

Figure Out Your Guest Blogging Goals

Why are you interested in guest blogging? You have to answer this question before you start working on your pitch.

Here are some common reasons people decide to be a guest blogger. They want to:

  • Put themselves in a position of authority in the industry
  • Drive traffic to their site
  • Grow their brand awareness and social media following
  • Increase quality links, backlinks, and social media shares
  • Attract potential buyers

What is your motivation? Nail it down, so your blog outreach is focused on meeting your goals. 

Search for Guest Blog Opportunities 

You know that you’re ready to find a guest blogging opportunity, so all that’s left is the search. When you’re looking for a place to post, make sure you choose a site or blog that is relevant to your industry.

You want to make sure that you are writing blog posts where the audience is going to be interested in what you have to say.

Also, it’s important to find a site that has a lot of traffic. Make sure that the blog has discussion posts and numerous "shares" on social media. 

When it comes to searching for opportunities, your first source should be Google. Put in a search for guest blogging opportunities and dig around in the results.

By using Vazoola, you’ll be able to easily find relevant sites and connect with guest bloggers and influencers.

You can also look at social media and do a quick search for guest posts. Often bloggers who are looking for guest posts will mention it on social media. 

Search engines are another way to find guest blogging opportunities. Search for relevant phrases such as “write for us” or “guest blogging guidelines” and your niche.

Include a description of the type of site in your search such as “golf blog” or “food blog” or “marketing blog”.

How to Make the Best Pitch 

If you are utilizing blog outreach strategies correctly, then you know that the pitch comes after you've laid some groundwork. Here are a few "to-dos" for you before you send the pitch.

Get to Know Each Other

Do you follow the blogger? Do you comment on their content or link to it from your site? High-profile influencers are hit up non-stop for guest blogging, so you need to take the time to build a relationship first. Don't just make a cold pitch and expect a response.  

Look the Part

Make sure your site looks reputable and provides real value to visitors. The influencer you're pitching to will undoubtedly research you a bit before responding.

They will want to see that you have many links to your website, referral traffic, and a decent search engine ranking. Make sure they like what they see.

Follow the Rules

You need to follow the blogger’s guidelines. Make sure you read his or her posting guidelines and follow everything closely.

Some bloggers will ask you to submit an entire post while others may only want the idea. Read up on their preferred format before you contact the owner.

Personalize Your Pitch

Experienced bloggers can see a generic pitch from a mile away. Don't insult them by sending a one-size-fits-all pitch that doesn't include a personalized touch.

Keep it Simple

Keep the email short and sweet. Chances are if the email resembles a novel it will get deleted before the intro paragraph is even read. 

When you’re ready to make your pitch, keep one rule in mind: your post is not merely about your business.

You do not want a guest post that is strictly an advertisement. Make sure that your post has valuable information that readers can use, and make sure you are offering something back to the influencer. This should be a win-win proposition. 

Guest blog outreach is not difficult, but it does take planning. By following these steps, you can successfully pitch yourself as a guest blogger who provides valuable content that will benefit the reader and the influencer. By utilizing these guidelines, you will have the confidence you need to conduct outreach professionally.

You will come across as an experienced guest blogger who knows what they're doing. Resist the impulse to pitch before you've laid a solid foundation. The time you put into pitch preparation will be worth it. 

Use Other Link Building Strategies

Google uses link quality as part of their ranking factors for websites. If you rely only on links from guest blog posts, Google will see your link profile as unnatural and likely penalize your site. Be sure to use many different link building campaigns to develop the most comprehensive long-term link profile.

If you would like to learn about how to build the best link profile, download our FREE Ultimate Link Building Guide.  

Link Building Strategies

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