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How To Improve SEO Ranking: A Cornerstone of Digital Marketing

Jun 14, 2021

Written by Casey Bjorkdahl

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Casey Bjorkdahl is one of the pioneering thought leaders in the SEO community. In 2010, Casey co-founded Vazoola after working for a Digital Marketing Agency for five years in New York City. Vazoola is now one of the fastest growing and most widely recognized SEO marketing firms in the country.

How To Improve SEO Ranking: A Cornerstone of Digital Marketing

If you are trying to run a business in the modern era, then you need to make sure you have a strong online presence. After all, what are people going to do when they are looking for a product or service that you provide? There is a good chance they are going to turn to the internet for help. Therefore, you need to make sure that your company is easy to find. That is where search engine optimization, usually shortened to SEO, is helpful. We find many people are asking themselves what is SEO ranking, why is it important to my website, and finally how do I improve my SEO? There are several important points you need to keep in mind, all of which will directly impact your SEO position.

SEO Ranking: Why Does it Matter?

When someone is looking for something on a search engine, such as Google, they are going to enter a query, take a look at the result, and probably click on something near the top of the  list. That is where you want your website to fall. How can you make sure your website sits at the top of the rankings? Search engine optimization is the key to doing that. If you want to improve your google SEO ranking, you need to have a solid search engine optimization campaign. 

How To Improve SEO: The Cornerstones To Note

There are several important cornerstones when it comes to running an effective SEO campaign. These include: 

  • You need to conduct keyword research on a regular basis to make sure you are targeting the right terms and phrases.
  • You need to think carefully about the images and videos that you share, tagging them appropriately. 
  • You need to make sure that you publish high-quality content on a regular basis, as there is no replacement for quality content on your website. 
  • You should take a look at your competition to see what they are doing well, trying to emulate them to improve your results.
  • Depending on your needs, link building services, white hat link building, or white label link building are a must when trying to improve SEO  

If you think about these cornerstones for improving seo, you will be able to run an effective SEO campaign. 

How To Improve Google Search Results: Keyword Research

Keyword research is one of the most important parts of improving your search engine ranking. You need to figure out what terms people are using when they are looking for a product or service that your company provides. Then, you also need to take a look at how competitive these terms are. In general, the more often a term is searched, the more competitive it is going to be. This means that even though you may be able to get your website in front of a lot of people, it might not be easy to improve search engine ranking for that term. There is a balance between how often a term is searched and how competitive it is when it comes to ranking. 

How To Rank Higher on Google: Focus on images and Videos

One way that you may be able to set yourself apart is to focus on images and videos. There is a saying that an image is worth a thousand words. This is definitely true when it comes to your digital marketing campaign. Think about the images and videos you are going to share on your website. Then, make sure that you get the most out of them when it comes to SEO and improving search rank. This means including descriptions, title tags, and alternate text.

Improving Ranking SEO: No Replacement for Quality Content

Keep in mind that there is no replacement when it comes to quality content and a good semantic seo strategy. Therefore, you need to make sure that you published regularly. There are numerous types of content out there. This includes blog articles, technical articles, podcasts, images, videos, and even social media posts. If you publish regularly and consider content syndication, you can get your content in front of as many people as possible. 

Improve Your Search Ranking by Looking at the Competition

It might also be a good idea for you to take a look at what your competitors are doing. For example, if there is someone who always ranks ahead of you, you may want to figure out what they are doing differently. Then, you may want to strategize a way to emulate their practices. If you are able to do exactly that, you may be able to catch them in the rankings. This is one of the best ways to remain competitive in the modern era, particularly when online marketing is one of the most important parts.

SEO Rank Is Dependent on the Responsiveness of Your Pages

A lot of people overlook the responsiveness of their pages. In reality, this is one of the most important parts of running an effective SEO campaign. Just as your top priority is providing quality products and services for your customers, search engines are trying to do the same thing. The reality is that websites that load faster are more relevant to the needs of the user. If you want your SEO page ranking to climb, you need to make sure your website is as responsive as possible. That way, you can keep your bounce rate as low as possible as well. 

Use These Tips To Improve Your SEO Rankings

These are just a few of the most important tips you need to keep in mind if you are looking for a way to improve your SEO ranking. Remember that this is not something you have to deal with alone. If you have questions or concerns about your digital marketing campaign, you should reach out to trained professionals who can lend a helping hand. That way, you can focus on other areas of your business while placing your digital marketing needs in the hands of professionals who can help you.

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