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What To Do if Your Google Ranking Dropped Dramatically

Oct 11, 2021

Written by Casey Bjorkdahl

Profile Picture Casey Bjorkdahl of

Casey Bjorkdahl is one of the pioneering thought leaders in the SEO community. In 2010, Casey co-founded Vazoola after working for a Digital Marketing Agency for five years in New York City. Vazoola is now one of the fastest growing and most widely recognized SEO marketing firms in the country.

What To Do if Your Google Ranking Dropped Dramatically

If you notice that your Google ranking dropped dramatically and you’re asking why does my google ranking keep changing, it can be disheartening. Your rankings in search engines are important, as this is an important driver of traffic to your website. You might be worried that there was a change in the algorithm, and you might be wondering how to fix this situation. How can you keep your ranking from dropping, and what do you need to do if you have noticed your ranking has tumbled? Take a look at a few important points below, and make sure you do everything you can to improve your online visibility.

Why Does My Google Ranking Keep Changing?

You need to keep an eye on your Google ranking because this is going to impact the amount of traffic going to your website. Your Google ranking is going to change from time to time, and there are several possible reasons why. These include:

  • You have competitors who are regularly publishing new content trying to get ahead of you. 
  • You might have published some new content that could have impacted your ranking negatively. 
  • Your ranking might be different for different search terms, so you need to pay attention to the keyword you are looking at. 
  • There could be an algorithm change that means your ranking has shifted. 

These are just a few of the many possible reasons why your ranking might be changing. If your ranking goes up, this is a good thing. On the other hand, if your ranking starts to drop, this can be frustrating. What are a few of the reasons why your ranking might be dropping, or a few answers to the question why did my website disappear from google? 

A Google Penalty Could Lead To a Search Rankings Drop

First, Google keeps a close eye on all websites to make sure they are not using any “black hat” marketing practices. If Google thinks you are engaging in something deceptive, they could punish your website by penalizing it. Therefore, you need to make sure your website has not been penalized for something. You might not even know you have done something wrong. After you have fixed the problem, you need to let Google know so they can remove the penalty. 

Duplicate Content: Why Is My Google Ranking Dropping?

Another answer to the question why is my google ranking dropping may be that you have published duplicate content. You may think that publishing more content with keywords is a good thing; however, if you stuffed the content with a bunch of keywords unnaturally, or if it looks like you have plagiarized content from another area of the internet, then its likely you could experience a website ranking drop. You need to prevent this from happening by making sure you run all content through a plagiarism checker before you publish it. Even though you might not intend to copy information from another website, Google can still punish you for this. 

A Google Ranking Change Could Reflect an Algorithm Change

Furthermore, your ranking might have dropped because there is an algorithm change. From time to time, Google updates its search engine algorithms. If you notice that your google rankings dropped, there may be an algorithm switch. You should take a close look at the new algorithm to see if your google ranking change was a result of the update. If so, you may need to alter the way your website has been laid out to bring your ranking back up. 

How To Fix Google Ranking Drop: Conduct an Audit

If you notice that your Google ranking has dropped, this can be shocking. It is important to take a deep breath and use an SEO checker. That way, you can figure out if something is broken. If there is a broken area of your website, the experience of your users is going to suffer. You need to make sure you address these issues before your rankings can start improving again. A professional team can conduct an audit of your website and see if there is something that needs to change. 

Google Ranking Changes: Build More Links

One of the best ways for you to repair a negative google ranking change is to build more links. This means that you should do everything you can to get other websites to use links that point back to your website. That way, you can position your website as one of the leading authorities in the field. This can go a long way toward helping you improve your ranking. You may want to consider using link building software, developing a guest blog post strategy, or you might  exchange links with someone else. This is a great path for you to improve google ranking changes while also driving more traffic to your website. 


Work With a Professional If Your Google Ranking Dropped Dramatically

It can be frustrating if you have seen that your Google rankings dropped significantly. Fortunately, this does not necessarily mean that you have to go through this process on your own. If you run a business, you have a lot to do every day, which means you might not be able to spend all of your time focusing on your digital marketing. Instead, you should rely on a professional service that has the experience and training necessary to figure out what has happened to your website. That way, you know your digital marketing is going to be in good hands while you focus on other areas of the company. 

See Similar Articles:  Google Algorithm Updates

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