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8 Essential Digital Marketing Statistics You Need to Know for 2020

Nov 18, 2019

Written by Casey Bjorkdahl

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Casey Bjorkdahl is one of the pioneering thought leaders in the SEO community. In 2010, Casey co-founded Vazoola after working for a Digital Marketing Agency for five years in New York City. Vazoola is now one of the fastest growing and most widely recognized SEO marketing firms in the country.

8 Essential Digital Marketing Statistics You Need to Know for 2020

The face of marketing is changing. Digital media is fueling the evolution of how companies and individuals sell products or services and tell consumers about their brand.

Here are eight important digital marketing statistics that will affect marketing efforts in 2020.

1. Digital Marketing Spending

Digital marketing spending for marketers around the world is expected to total 306 billion dollars by 2020.

Businesses and individuals are paying attention to the global success of digital marketing efforts. The internet lets companies easily reach large audiences in other states and distant countries.

This includes potential customers they would not have been able to reach without the advent of digital marketing. Investing in a digital media campaign is good business.

2. Artificial Intelligence

In 2020, according to, consumers will buy more than 2 billion home devices that connect to the internet, and more than 90 percent of vehicles will be connected to the internet.

The Internet of Things is growing, and artificial intelligence (AI) affects not only how consumers find you, but it also influences how you plan marketing campaigns.

AI helps you design web pages, make the most of your web site with SEO, write content, and find people ready to buy your product.

3. Mobile Marketing

Mobile ads will fuel 86 percent of digital advertising growth through 2022.

In general, U.S. consumers check their smartphones 47 times every day, which gives marketers that many chances to reach large audiences through mobile ads.

4. Social Media

By 2020, the number of users of social media channels will grow by about half a billion, according to Statista.

Such a meteoric rise in social networking brings many opportunities for marketers to reach customers including:

  • Blog posts
  • Video advertising and video content
  • Contests

Marketers can target their messages to people who already have an interest in their products and services.

5. Email Growth

According to Radicati, there will be more than 3 billion email users by 2020.

While social media is essential in raising conversion rates, email marketing is an excellent way to tell people more about your brand or service and turn them into followers and customers.

Using email for marketing purposes allows you to individualize your message. Subject lines with the names of recipients are 26 percent more likely to be opened.

You can split specific topics into groupings to send to only part of your overall email list.

6. Content Marketing

Content marketing creates more than three times the leads that outbound marketing does, yet it costs 62 percent less, says Content Marketing Institute.

Outbound marketing focuses on telling customers how great you are, and today’s consumers increasingly see these types of ads as obnoxious and intrusive.

Good content marketing, on the other hand, gives consumers value for their time. You can offer information about how to use your product and general tips on related subjects in your niche industry.

Hold contests and provide discounts that encourage customer engagement without being pushy.

7. Visual Blogs says blogs with images get 94 percent more views than text-only posts, and blogs with videos can raise organic search results as much as 157 percent.

If you offer the same content in both written and visual formats, you reach a wider audience because you attract those who like to read as well as those who prefer videos.

If you are uncomfortable with creating visual elements for your blog posts, it may be worth your while to hire people who specialize in that area or outsource this aspect of content creation, at least for a while.

8. Refreshed Content

According to Orbit Media Studios, updating and refreshing old blogs with new material can help your search results by 74 percent.

While updating previous blog posts is simple enough and highly effective at helping your search engine rankings, only about 55 percent of marketers do this.

A lot of people are missing out on the great opportunities this straightforward method offers for keeping current users engaged and gaining new audiences.

Furthermore, by researching and including unique information readers will not find elsewhere, you can position yourself as a specialist in your industry, someone people trust and who they will remember when they are ready to make a purchase.

Digital media has changed the face of marketing. You can take advantage of current trends to help your business grow both now and in the future.

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